Welcome to our latest round of recent successful recoveries! From ATVs to scooters, and motorcycles, we’ve recovered them all. Here at Datatool, we pride ourselves on ensuring the best security for our customer’s vehicles. And with 24/7 monitoring support all year round, that’s why we’re the UK’s leading motorcycle security manufacturer.
Not only do we recover scooters and motorcycles, but sometimes we do come across stolen ATVs that are recovered thanks to our Monitoring team. Datatool Stealth customer Tom had his Honda ATV successfully recovered by police within two hours in the EH area, thanks to the help of our 24/7 Datatool Monitoring team. Tom had received an alert on his phone that there was unauthorised movement on his ATV, which he had checked and realised that it had been stolen.
After getting in touch immediately with the police to retrieve a Crime Reference Number, he contacted our 24/7 Monitoring Team to confirm the theft and provide the crime reference number to allow our monitoring team to liaise with the police and discuss the location of the vehicle which was found a little over 2 hours later.
“I’ve used this company for many years and it has saved me from losing my motorbike from two thefts (as I was able to personally track it and recover it – the police were of little use). The web interface is easy to use and the functions are good, and my experience with their call centre people, admin people, and salespeople like Helen Longthorne and others, has been fantastic always.”
BMW S1000 XR
Another recent successful recovery involved an ice-grey BMW S1000 XR, which was recovered by police in less than 40 minutes! The Datatool Stealth tracker had alerted the customer that there was unauthorised movement and then contacted our Monitoring team immediately to confirm that their BMW motorcycle had been stolen. Our Datatool Monitoring team then directly liaised with the police and sent them to the KT area to locate and recover the stolen vehicle.
After getting in touch immediately with the police to retrieve a Crime Reference Number, he contacted our 24/7 Monitoring Team to confirm the theft and provide the crime reference number to allow our monitoring team to liaise with the police and discuss the location of the vehicle which was found a little over 2 hours later.
Next on our list is a successful recovery of a Honda NSS300 Forza – an automatic maxi scooter often used for the daily commute. Our Monitoring centre recently helped a Datatool Stealth customer recover their vehicle using the Datatool mobile app to track its location.
The Datatool app offers an accurate GPS live location of your vehicle that’s updated on our system every 2 minutes which you can view 24/7 just from your mobile phone. Not only that, but you can set up custom alert modes in the app like the Early Warning Movement alert and Geofence alert, which you can be notified by either an app notification or a text alert. Sounds good right? If you’re interested and want to find out more, click here.
After getting in touch immediately with the police to retrieve a Crime Reference Number, he contacted our 24/7 Monitoring Team to confirm the theft and provide the crime reference number to allow our monitoring team to liaise with the police and discuss the location of the vehicle which was found a little over 2 hours later.

“I would like to recommend the excellent service and thorough professionalism of this company. I’m speaking as a long-term customer who had 4 policies with them now. They give you full peace of mind when leaving your bike in the event of a theft or tampering. Anytime something untoward or a simple boarding of a ferry and leaving the UK mainland this company alerts you immediately. Not once in the years, I’ve been with them have l ever had a false alarm. So don’t hesitate to get on board with Datatool, the best in the business in my opinion.”
Our Datatool team was also able to assist in the recovery of a Yamaha NMAX125, belonging to Datatool Stealth customer Mohammed. After being confirmed as stolen at 19:14, our Monitoring team liaised with the local police and provided them with the vehicle’s location; the rear of the Newcastle Greyhound Stadium in Fossway.
The bike was found in this area by the police at 20:13, meaning that this was recovered in less than 1 hour. This is one of the many reasons why you can’t underestimate the power of the Datatool Stealth tracker. With 24/7 support all year round, alert notifications, and further convenience features for life on the road, why not invest in a motorcycle tracker to protect your pride and joy. Interested in purchasing one? Click here to buy now.

Boasting a 96% recovery rate, it’s clear to see why the Datatool Stealth tracker is one of the most powerful forms of security solutions to protect your pride and joy. If you want to find out more, and want to keep your vehicle secure, contact us or view our product page to find the best security solution for you and your vehicle.